Happy New Years everyone.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you to those who left comments on my last post. I have been blessed to have so many people who care about me and feel blessed to have so many wonderful blogging friends!
My Christmas was wonderful, I am still recovering from all the work, and energy I put into this years celebration.
Every Year I change up my blog some. I like a new start to the new year.
I am still working on my new blog layout so please be patient while i spend time figuring out how I want my new blog page to look. I have already changed the main picture to one my husband took from our bedroom balcony one morning. I also changed my profile info, and added my real life picture that I took a few weeks ago. Now everyone can see who is behind the written posts! Please feel free to comment on my new changes. I am still not sure if the top picture of the sunrise is the right picture for my blog. In a way it is, because a sunrise represents a new day. :)
I am hoping 2009 will be filled with many blessings, and joys for everyone.
I will be posting more soon, and visiting everyone's page soon. :)
Hugs and blessings sent your way!
Again Happy New years!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Years!
Posted by Tracy at 10:30 AM 10 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas memories
This time of year always makes me think of my mother. She loved Christmas, and that love has brushed off on me. :) One of my fondest memories is of Christmas eve. My twin and i would be so excited knowing that Santa would be coming that night. My mother would sing to us while she tucked us into bed. One of the songs she sang to us was Santa clause is coming to town. My mother had a beautiful voice, and very often my twin and i would be in awe while listening to her. We loved hearing her sing.
I thought i would post the song in memory of my mother. I miss her so very much, but I always feel so close to her at Christmas.
After singing to us, my twin and i would pretend to go to sleep. (Laughing, our mother was fully aware we were pretending.) We then would wait for everyone else to go to sleep and in the middle of the night, we would tip toe down the hallway, giggling and whispering to each other very excited about seeing what Santa brought us. My mother later told me that she always heard us and always knew we wouldn't be able to sleep until we had an idea of what we were getting. She always left the tree lights on so we could see...... Grinning wide. We then would tip toe back to our beds, whispering, and giggling again where we then would fall asleep with visions of Christmas morning to enter our dreams.
Posted by Tracy at 10:20 AM 17 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My King - SM Lockridge
If you have never heard or seen this, I recommend taking the time to watch this message by a very powerful speaker. This video was shown at Cleansing streams, and it is so worth watching and hearing!
That's my King, do you know him?
I hope you enjoy!
Posted by Tracy at 9:25 AM 6 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I know I haven't been around much lately. Between my fathers visit, and getting ready for more company at Christmas I have my hands full. I decorate a lot as well as bake, and take on all kinds of projects during this time of year. I am a huge Christmas fan. :) My mother also loved Christmas. It is probably where i got my love for this time of year from. I know my twin sister does also.
This video is sad, but it says so much. My twin and i talked about this last year i think, and we found out we both loved the movie that was made because of this song. We sat crying our eyes out, while watching it. Of course since we both live so far away we watched it separately. Funny though how very similar my twin and I are even though we are so different!
My Thanksgiving was a good one. I enjoyed my fathers visit, and am really missing him already.
I hope you all are doing well. I will be around to visit all your blogs soon!
Hugs and blessings sent to you all.
Posted by Tracy at 2:58 PM 9 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
My dad is coming to spend Thanksgiving with me and my family! I am soooo very excited. He arrives today and leaves on Tuesday a week from tomorrow. I have been busy planning menus shopping, and getting things ready for his visit. It has been about 4 years since i have seen him last. Longer for my sons, it is six long years since they have seen him! So the entire family is looking forward to seeing him. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. This year i have so many things to be thankful for. I feel so very blessed.
Hugs to all, I will be back blogging after my dad leaves.
Posted by Tracy at 6:07 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I got this in a mail today, and thought it was wonderfully inspiring. For me personally it was a reminder that no matter how bad things look, there is always a silver lining if one looks for it.
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a dry
well. The animal cried piteously for hours as
the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the
well needed to be covered up anyway;
it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and
help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began
to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the
donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally
looked down the well. He was astonished at what
he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his
back, the donkey was doing something amazing.
He would shake it off and take a step up
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel
dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it
off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey
stepped up over the edge of the well and
happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds
of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well
is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of
our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out
of the deepest wells just by not stopping,
never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
Live simply and appreciate what you have
Give more.
Expect less
Posted by Tracy at 6:11 AM 8 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Serenity Series Painting #2
Buck up close
Here is another stage in my second painting on the Serenity Series.
Today I added more trees, depth and worked on the Buck.
In the next stage of this painting I will be working on more greenery as well add mist, work on more details on my buck, highlight snow, and figure out if i need more trees.
I am really enjoying the process in this series.
I hope everyone is having a blessed weekend!
Posted by Tracy at 10:46 PM 7 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Words from the heart.
I know i haven't posted much lately, I am sorry if i have worried some of you by not doing such. I have been in a slump of late. Fibromyalgia has been rearing its ugly head, as well as putting me in a rather blah mood. The weather has been gloomy matching my mood i think. You add that i am not happy with who was elected for our president and am feeling very unsafe in knowing that he will be our President, it has really taken a tole on me spiritually and physically.
I know a lot of you voted for Obama, and I am happy for you and your happiness that Obama won the election.
For me however you need to please understand this man simply scares me.
Sure he is handsome, and young, has a nice smile, and is very charismatic, but i never did look at outer appearance's or just go on words alone. In my opinion actions are more important then words. Any one can talk a good game, but when it comes right down to it, it is actions that speak volumes. I look at the soul behind the person, and the actions one has exhibited. I believe he is going to do more harm to this country then good. He stands for most everything I am against.
I do not believe this man has any morals, and in the long run he will make only changes that will hurt our country, and not ones that will actually bring the change that most want. (Economically speaking.)
I know most of you who voted for the man will read this and you will feel angry. Know though that i never really share my thoughts regarding politics with others for that very reason. I do not like to offend anyone, and i am not comfortable with others being angry. This is why i keep my thoughts to myself. I believe though that my blogger friends will respect my feelings as i have respected a lot of yours when i have read your passion for wanting Obama in office. :)
I know that my blogger friends know me well enough that I am not saying any of this to judge others, but am simply expressing my thoughts and feelings on this topic. I do have a right to my thoughts just as you all do. I think you all feel the same way, and as i have said in the past I have the best blogger buddies one could ever ask for.
I do not like this mans Character. Some will say i am judging him harshly. I do not think this is judgement at all in not agreeing with Obama, or his views. It is having discernment. It is looking at the whole man and seeing his true character..
I am a mother who has a responsibility to teach my children about good Character, and what is right or wrong in the eyes of God... Not in the eyes of man....
For this very reason I have looked at all Obama stands for. I have looked at his Character, and i have had to dicern if this man truly will be good for not only my family but the country. I have had to look deep and to see the true soul of this man. I can honestly say from seeing this mans Character, looking at his actions of the past, and knowing that he is going to be our president, i do not feel safe one bit. So yes this depresses me.
What does bring me peace of mind is that God is watching over us. I am very blessed, and I know this, and I fully appreciate all the blessings God has given me. So I am putting all of my fears and all of my worries into God's hands. I will try and not worry about the direction this country has been taking for a very long time, and trust that God will continue watching over this nation as this new President takes office.
On that note i will close this post.
I hope you all have a blessed weekend.
Posted by Tracy at 8:48 AM 15 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Here is my Serenity Painting, shown from different stages. I thought it would be nice seeing the stages all in one post. It makes it much easier to see the improvements made in each stage. I wish i had taken a picture before i put the fox in. Oh well , I did do that with the second Painting in this series. You can see that in the post below. The second painting in the series will have a buck in the painting. :)
Posted by Tracy at 11:59 AM 13 comments
I have started the second painting in my Serenity series. This is the first stage the painting process. As you can see I have outlined an image of a Buck in the far distance in the painting. I will be working on placements of trees and bushes before I actually paint the deer. I am still trying to decide whether or not i will add a momma and her baby to the scene. I thought it might be really neat to have the Buck looking over his family out in the distance. I am not sure however if adding the momma and her baby would be to much for the canvas.
Today I will start painting more, and allow the scene to take shape as I go.
I hope you all are enjoying watching my Serenity series take shape as much as I am while painting them.
*** Btw I exchanged the picture in the previous post (Part 1 in my Serenity series) with a better quality one! The one i had showing all weekend was taken via my phone cam. I finally got around to taking a picture of the painting with a digital camera. :) Be sure to check it out. I was also thinking of making a post of all the paintings stages of my Serenity painting all together in one post. Allowing you all a better idea in seeing how each painting takes shape. Is this something you would be interested in seeing?
Posted by Tracy at 7:46 AM 8 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Painting by: Tracy Jo
Here is the finished painting of my fox painting. I have decided to call the painting Serenity.
This painting was my first real attempt at painting an animal using acrylics. I love the winter, and also love painting birch trees. I wanted this painting to feel calm, peaceful, and full of peace. I think I have accomplished that. It is a painting of total serenity.
I hope you all enjoy. As always I love to hear your thoughts and feelings regarding this painting. Please feel free to share!
Posted by Tracy at 2:48 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
This award is for all of my wonderful blogger friends!
I have some of the most wonderful blogger friends in the world of blogger land. I feel so blessed truthfully that you all are in my life.
While driving to the doctors office I had time to really think about the people in my life who are so very supportive. I feel so awed at times that one can feel such support from people who comment on ones blog.
I feel like you all are friends of mine, even though I have never met most of you. It is truly amazing how close one can get just from following a blogger s life, and they yours. I am so happy you all are my friends.
Some of you have made such a positive impact in my life! I know with out a doubt that if i put a post up for prayer, or support you all will come running! Thank you so much to all of you!
A couple of you have become such close friends. One blogger friend I met in real life, (Tart) and she is now one of my very best friends! How wonderful it is to have her a part of my life. Not only do we follow one another s blog, but we also now pray together and read the bible together. I can not imagine not having such a wonderful person in my life! I feel our relationship is a God thing truthfully. God knew we needed one another and he guided us to each others blogs! ^.^
I am also blessed to have my twin sister as a blogger friend. I have always loved her for obvious reasons, but i feel now my twin sister has become one of my best friends because of blogger! We always have been close, but our relationship has become stronger now that she is in blog land. What a blessing that is! Thank you Stacy for loving me as much as you do and being such a wonderful friend. Thank you for taking the time to stay close with me. Thank you for being my twin! (not that you had a choice) Another God thing.... ^.^
I have been blessed with blogger friends who continually pray for me. Just look at my friend list and you will see all of those wonderful friends.>>>>>> One in particular stands out for me because he not only prays for me but also puts out a prayer on his blog! Mike thank you for this. With out you in my blogging life it would truly be a loss. Your continual friendship means the world to me.
I would like to give this award to those of you who have not only prayed for me, but given me much needed support. If you are on my friend list, please know that I give you this award with much gratitude and love!
This award is also for those who are not on my friend list, because either you have asked to not be added for privacy reasons, or you do not have a blog. Your friendship and support mean the world to me. (you all know who you are) ^.^
Thank you all for blessing my life with not only your much appreciated comments, and support, but also for your friendship.
Posted by Tracy at 7:32 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I thought i would give everyone a quick update on how i am doing. I have my ups and downs. Some days are worse then others. I have been keeping myself busy to keep intense mood swings at bay. Sometimes it works other times it does not. Fibro symptoms have been pretty intense this week, I am hoping it is because of the chemical changes in my body, and will go away when the med is out of my system.
Yesterday late afternoon I received a phone call saying I had a doctors appointment today at 1 pm with a neurologist to deal with my fibromyalgia. I was like huh? lol
Apparently the other doctors office not only sent me a referral but made me an appt. unknowingly to me! (would have been nice if they had called me and asked if today was a good time, and the time was ok. Also would have been nice just letting me know they made me an appointment!)
I just got the referral in the mail on friday from my doctor! I glanced at it and thought good i will call and make an appt with this doctor this week. Now obviously I do not have to.
Unfortunately i feel rushed now in trying to find out where this doctor's office is, and find directions. I found them... (thank you mapquest!) The directions are no biggy but jeezzzzzzz this put me in a panic and I am not sure exactly why.
First off I do not even know if this doctor is female or male? I have problems in meeting male doctors with out my husband around. I know that sounds silly, its something I am trying slowly to get over.
Secondly I just do not like going to talk with new doctors because lets face it, I have not had such wonderful experiences in the past with new doctors in general.
I really wanted my husband with me because doctors do tend to react different when the husband is in the room. They do not treat the woman like they have two heads, and are crazy insane.
My husband can not go. It is bad time for him. So I am praying that this doctor will be good, know about fibromyalgia and deal with me in a reasonable way.
I could cancel i guess and reschedule... however I have decided to just go and see what this doctor is like. Who knows this doctor might be the answer to my prayers...
Wish me luck!
Hugs and blessings sent your way.
Posted by Tracy at 6:18 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I had this long post written up asking for prayers for me. It embarrassed me after i read what i wrote, so i took the post down.
Instead i want to just put a shorter post up, and let everyone know that I am going through a difficult time right now. I know it is because I have had to cut back on a medicine I have been taking for the last fifteen years. (The only medicine i had to help in dealing with the pain of fibromyalgia)
I have gone through withdrawal before due to meds doctors had prescribed to me and then suddenly taken me off of that med. I got through those times of bad withdrawals, and I will do so again.
My mood is very up and down at the moment, probably because of chemical changes in my body. So if i do not post in the next few weeks, or my posts are short, it is because I am dealing with withdrawals once again.
Posted by Tracy at 9:22 AM 15 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
This is today s work on my Winter fox painting. It is the third sitting in working on this painting. I took a close up of the fox so you all can see him better. I am so excited with how this painting is turning up. Today i detailed the fox more, as well as added a few holly trees, and I also added depth to the scene with a darker blue color in the background. I also added more snow. :)
I hope you all enjoy watching this painting's progress. It is not done yet, it feels not done, so i am going to just stand back and look at it, and i am sure something else will come to mind.
Posted by Tracy at 1:24 PM 10 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
This is the second part of a painting I showed you a few posts back. I am not sure what I will name it, i think that when it is fully done the name will come to me. I still need to add some Holly berry bushes, as well as some greenery. I will be finishing it off with it snowing. In stage 2 of the painting I have added more details to the trees as well as adding a fox.
The fox took a lot of time to complete. I probably will still paint some minor details to him. In the end though I feel he is coming out pretty well. I have never painted an animal using acrylics, and found it very different then using soft pastels. You have to be much more exact, and if you make a mistake it shows!
I am going to continue to work on this painting tonight and tomorrow. I will show you all as the stages progress.
I hope you all are having a blessed day!
Posted by Tracy at 4:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Painting by: Tracy Jo
"Shades of my spirit and soul"
I normally do not paint in an abstract fashion. Most of the time I have a hard time painting abstract because it pushes my creativity in ways that are very uncomfortable for me. However I was compelled to do so today.
A person wrote me saying that they would like to see me paint my past. They wanted me to paint the feelings i had felt, because they felt these paintings might be some of my best work.
My past has a lot of pain in it. Lots of anger, times of danger, feelings of sorrow, and feelings of a deep pain that is very hard to explain to others.
I would say my past is very colorful.
I have been afraid to paint my past because I do not want to be pulled back into a depression that was so dark, so full of turmoil and deep felt pain. It has taken me years to heal, and I was afraid that if I allowed myself to paint that time of my life that I would be pulled back into that place of darkness.
This morning while in prayer I felt God talking with me, telling me that yes i have felt lots of pain, but through all that pain God had been keeping his eye on me. He has sat with me, wrapped his arms around me, and kept me from being pulled down roads that only evil prevailed. Evil did try, but God brought me through that time of deep felt pain and anger. He showed me the light that surrounded the darkness. He also showed me lots of color.... Colors of not only my soul, but of my spirit. He showed me a picture in my mind of such beauty, that not putting it on canvas was truly not an option. So picking up my brush, I started painting the colors and shades of my soul. Colors of not only my past, but of the here and now.
Those colors from my soul combined with my spirit, has become who I am as a person today. I stood back and was in true awe, I saw not only my soul, but the entire me!
As I looked at this painting of color I saw two women, one young and one older right there in the colors. I decided to slightly outline them. There is a woman in the color green, a young girl almost. She is praying if you look closely.
The one on the right hand side was more obvious and was in the red, a woman who actually looks calm and at peace while in that color. Red is a color that represents anger, deep hurt, and pain. It is a danger color. Yet the woman looks very calm. I almost thought i should change her. I could not though because I believe she is calm and peaceful because God was shinning light down into my soul while I was in that awful time in my life.
I sat mesmerized because i was looking at my soul.
I hope you enjoy seeing it also. I am trying to decide if it is done before I sign the painting....
Please feel free to comment. I love to hear what others see and feel while looking at my work. The input is very helpful.
Posted by Tracy at 5:51 PM 6 comments
I have five paintings in my mind. I need to lock myself away for a few days in my studio to get these creations out of my soul. If they are any good I will share! Wanted everyone to know that I am still around and doing ok.
Hugs, and blessings.
Will blog more when I am able.
Posted by Tracy at 8:16 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
This is what I see outside my bedroom window when we wake up in the morning! I have one of the best views in the area i think!
If you haven't checked out my painting site lately, please do. I have added a guest book where people can now comment on my works. I also added my latest painting Luminous Night.
Spiritual Brush Strokes Paintings by: Tracy Jo
I hope you all have a blessed weekend.
Posted by Tracy at 8:07 AM 10 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
I have been pretty bad at posting anything personal of late here on my blog. This is mainly because i was detoxing lead out of my system once again, and this time around it had made me pretty sick. I felt i had nothing positive to share, and all i really wanted to do was disappear and not talk about how bad i was feeling.
I am finally done with the major detoxing part of the program! yayyyyy. So now i will be doing a very light detox program in order to try and keep toxins from rebuilding in my body.
The moment i stopped the major detox i have gotten busy painting. I am working on a series of three painting's this time around. I want to paint a continued woodland snow scene as a practice run for the huge woodland scene i am planning for my great room.
I am having so much fun painting this series. I am so excited about them. So far i love how they are turning out. The picture i posted is just the start of my work on these paintings. I still have so much to add on it. It will have some greenery, and in the background i will add some bushes, as well as near the trees I plan on painting a fox sitting or playing among the trees. I will then move on to the second painting and third where i will continue on with the same kind of trees, and theme, and hopefully add a deer, and a owl. The last step will be making the paintings appear as if it is actually snowing.
I could not take a good picture of the painting because once again i took it with my phone cam, so it does not show how soft or how real the trees look. (Maybe i need to ask for a camera for Christmas? laughs)
When looking at the painting in person one actually gets a sense of not only peace, but happiness. I believe that this set of three paintings i am doing will be some of my best work.
Other then painting, I found out this week that my general doctor in this area went out of business with out telling me! I found this out the hard way when i reordered some medicine i have been taking for 15 years and the pharmacist denied the order! I called the doctors office and found out i now have a new doctor who does not prescribe the med i need! This new doctor also does not do something as basic as clean ears! She denied me treatment! I was in shock. All i could think of is are you a doctor????? lol I have never heard of such a thing! Sooooo now i am looking for a new doctor. I am will most likely have to look hours and hours away, because in my area there are no doctors that treat fibro, lead poisoning or specialize in my bleeding disorder. What upsets me most is i that this new doctor i just went to was more then willing to take a chance with my health and make me go cold turkey of the med i was taking for 15 years. I finally looked her straight in the eye and said to her i can understand you not wanting to prescribe this med for me, but....... are you willing to let me go through major withdrawals??? Are you willing to have me call you while i am going through these major withdrawals????? What do you recommend me doing to deal with the withdrawals? She finally gave in and said fine I will prescribe you one month of the med. So I have one month to find a doctor! In the mean time i am cutting back slowly on my medicine just in case i can not get in to see a doctor in time.
The one good thing that came out of this visit to the doctors office is that i saw a huge sign advertising a new YMCA in my area! They are going to start water aerobics class three days a week, starting next Monday! I have decided to join the class. This is the one form of exercise that has been recommended for me to do since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This is the first time i have seen a class offered in my area! My area is very rural. I need to lose weight so badly, and i am hoping this class will help get rid of the pounds, or at least help my health problems some! I am very determined to lose this weight. In fact i am so determined that on the top right side of my blog i put a widget that shares how i am doing with losing the amount i need to lose to be considered healthy! It was a huge step for me because i do not like others seeing just how much i need to lose! I am hoping that talking about my weight here on my blog, I will get some encouragement from you my blogger friends. The class will be on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. I am pretty excited about the class.
A little about why i have gained so much weight. My doctors have told me it is not because I eat the wrong foods, or eat to much. My eating habits are not the reason for my weight gain. I have gained weight because of the lead in my body has messed up my thyroid and metabolism! My thyroid is way out of wack, and i do not absorb the natural chemicals my body makes in order for my metabolism to work right.
The goal for my doctors have not been about my weight, but getting the lead out of my body so my body will work normal again.
However..... I am totally frustrated at how much i now weigh! I feel so fat! I feel unattractive, and it depresses me when i look at myself in the mirror. I am hoping that by adding this exercise class, it will at least give me peace of mind that i am doing all i can to be healthy. I am hoping that it will help give me peace of mind that this weight gain is not my fault! Even though the doctors keep telling me it is not my fault, and not to worry about it so much, seeing the pounds keep adding on is frustrating me!
So i am eating right, I am following the doctors regarding my detox program and now i will be exercising consistently. I am hoping I will know deep in my heart that I am doing all the right things........Even if i do not lose.... I will know that I am doing all the right things.
That is about it that has been happening in my little world. Haha ok it is a lot!
I am now off to paint!
I hope every one has a blessed week!
Posted by Tracy at 7:07 AM 14 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
I've been tagged by Awake in Rochester to do the 31 Things Meme...
Sorry it took me so long!
The Rules:Answer the questions using only one word.
Then tag four others.
1. Where is your cell phone? here
2. Your significant other? hubby
3. Your hair? Red
4. Your mother? Missed
5. Your father? California
6. Your favorite thing? Painting
7. Your dream last night? Chaos
8. Your favorite drink? Coffee
9. Your dream/goal? Happiness
10. The room you’re in? Favorite
11. Your hobby? Painting
12. Your fear? Secret
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Safe
14. What you’re not? Arrogant
15. Muffins? Yum
16. One of your wish list items? Done
17. Where you grew up? California
18. The last thing you did? Eat
19. What are you wearing? Clothes
20. Favorite gadget? Computer
21. Your pets? Lily
22. Your computer? Laptop
23. Your mood? Good
24. Missing someone? yes
25. Your car? Old
26. Something you’re not wearing? Jewelry
27. Favorite store? Michael's
28. Like someone? Lots
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When is the last time you laughed? Haha
31. Last time you cried? Guess
Who do i tag? Tart , Stacy, and you if you are reading this! Please let me know if you did this, would be fun to read your answers.
Posted by Tracy at 8:17 AM 5 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
One in a million shot A smile from God !
Quote By: Thomas Edison
Posted by Tracy at 7:44 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Luminous Night Painting
I know all of you did not want me to change up this painting at all.
However the picture i posted last was not the full true image. Half the painting was dark and not showing right due to my bad picture taking! It is hard to show the correct painting via my phone cam. LOL I am so sorry, but i did know that the painting did not look finished.
The top half of the painting was perfect! However because of the amount of darkness on the lower half of my painting, it did look incomplete when viewing it in person. I have tried to keep the integrity of simplicity in this piece. I tried to not add to much so as not to take the impact of the original sky away. As you can see i did add a few more trees to add depth and interest to the painting. I also added a lake at the bottom of my painting. I kept the lake dark, with just a touch of light showing the night sky through out the lake. I think i accomplished a gorgeous painting!
This painting has a lot of meaning for me. It represents my teen years, as well as makes me long for home where my sisters and father still live. I wanted to express the feeling i had when i was only 16 and looking up at the night sky and feeling so very close with God. The moon in the painting reminds me of nights when the moon was so very huge and bright that if i reached up i could feel like i could touch it. It is a painting full of love, beauty and memory.
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful input. I value all your thoughts, ideas, and took all your advice to heart. I kept it simple! :) I hope you all enjoy and still love the painting as much as you did before.
Hugs and blessings sent your way!
Posted by Tracy at 11:49 AM 12 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mountain Trees Painting.
I am stumped.... Do i add more to this painting, or call it done??????
Any ideas?
Please share what you think. :)
Posted by Tracy at 2:03 PM 21 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Posted by Tracy at 5:57 AM 7 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Prayer request
My twin Stacy is on her way to the Hospital with major pains in her right side. We are not sure what is wrong , but felt it should be checked out to make certain it is nothing serious. Please keep her in your prayers that it is nothing at all serious.
Thank you.
Posted by Tracy at 6:45 PM 7 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Awake from Rochester honored me with another special award. I am blessed to have so many friends in blogger land. Thank you Awake for warming my heart with this awesome award.
Of course I would like to pass it on to a few special people. To the people in blogger land who have kept me going with all your wonderfully encouraging comments on my blog the last few weeks thank you. Your comments mean a lot to me, and I want you to know I appreciate them.
Blogs that I think totally Rock.
* Amazing Tart
* Awake In Rochester
* Denise
* Dr. Deb
* Hopefulsl
* Jo
* Keepers
* Mary
* Mike
* Mimi
* Sonnie
* Tamara
* Wanda
* Wolfbaby
Posted by Tracy at 10:19 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Update on how things are going.
Pain is the word of the week.
Storms are moving in once again. This is my bad time of the year for those who don't know. When storms move in fibro hits me hard. In this part of the country it is hurricane season. From now until November i tend to have bad weeks. This week it is calling for thunderstorms the entire week! Bangs my head against the wall. lol Ok guess i wont do that because i do not need my head hurting more then it already does. But sheeshhhhhhhh already, i want sun!
On top of that i talked with my doctor, and he wants me to go on a full time program of detoxing. He feels that i do not get rid of toxins like the average person does. Most people naturally absorb toxins from the environment, and they naturally get rid of these toxins through sweat or urine. I however do not do this. So the toxins just build up in my body making me sicker then most. This is his theory anyway. Makes sense to me. Anyway he would like me to do a major detoxing program once again, only this time instead of getting off the program after three weeks, i will continue on a daily program of detoxing in small doses. He feels that this will help me get rid of all the toxins like everyone else. Making it so i do not have a build up of toxins in my body. :) His thought is that eventually i will start feeling better, and not be so sick during detox, because i will have less toxins to rid from my body. This is also hopefully the key to getting my thyroid to work right! Lets pray that he is right.
In the mean time between detoxing, and storms moving in I hurt all over! I am having a hard time thinking, or doing much of anything. Pain makes a person tired all of the time. All i want to really do is sleep. I have been forcing myself to keep up with the house, make dinner for my guys, to also get out and accomplish errands that need to be done, and to continue with my painting. My energy feels sapped truthfully. I am praying that these three weeks go by fast..... and that i will feel better soon.
Hugs and blessings to all. I will be slowly making rounds to all your blogs. Know you are all missed! Hugsssssssss
Posted by Tracy at 9:09 AM 17 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I have been recovering from not feeling well. Not only have I had a cold, but have also had some bad fibro days. When I was feeling spurts of energy i have had to take care of errands. Sorry I have been absent here on my blog and from commenting on yours.
The wolf picture is my latest pastel work. I just finished it today.
I want to paint a very large mural for my great room. I want the mural to be a woodland scene. It will have not only a wolf, but fox, white owl, raccoon, and a rabbit hiding among the trees. :) Since i really have no experience in painting animals , I have decided to practice them using my pastels. The wolf is my first practice drawing for my mural.
I hope you all enjoy.
Hugs and blessings
Posted by Tracy at 11:29 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Just letting everyone know that i am still around, and doing ok.
I came down with an awful cold last week. It knocked me for a loop truth be told. I spent most of my time just trying to recover. Yesterday was the first true day that i actually felt like my old self.
While i was gone, I noticed my blogger friend Mike left me a blogging award.
It is the I love your blog award! Thank you mike for such a wonderful award. I am truly touched.
I would like to return the favor and give this same award to all the blogs on my blogger friend list. If you are on this list it is because I read your blog and think you are rather special. :)
I hope you all enjoy!
Today i have to play catch up on all my normal errands. Hopefully in the next few days i can sit down and catch up on everyones blog as well catch you all up on what has been happening in my life.
Hugs and blessings sent your way!
Posted by Tracy at 3:30 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Quick update. My brother in law is doing ok. He should be released soon. From my understanding his heart and brain are not working in sync. When i learn more i will do a write up about it. I would like to thank everyone for their prayers.
They meant a lot to myself and my family. :)
I received a neat story in the mail today from a friend. It hit home for me, and i think a lot of people will relate. I thought i would share it here. So many times in life we all wonder why is it we deal with bad things. How could God allow them to happen? I have tried to explain it to others before, but I could not find the words that this story did. I hope you all enjoy it, and it makes as much sense to you as it did me.
Some years ago, on a hot summer day in South Florida , a little boy decided
to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to
dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes,
socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as
he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore.
His father, working in the yard, saw the two as they got closer and closer
together. In utter fear, he ran toward the water, yelling to his son as
loudly as he could.
Hearing his voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim
to his father. It was too late. Just as he reached his father, the
alligator reached him.
From the dock, the father grabbed his little boy by the arms just as the
alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between
the two. The alligator was much stronger than the father, but the father
was much too passionate to let go.
A farmer happened to drive by, heard his screams, raced from his truck,
took aim and shot the alligator.
Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy
His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal.
And, on his arms, were deep scratches where his father's fingernails dug into
his flesh in his effort to hang on to the son he loved.
The newspaper reporter who interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked if
he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with
obvious pride, he said to the reporter, 'But look at my arms. I have great
scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Dad wouldn't let go.'
You and I can identify with that little boy. We have scars, too. No, not
from an alligator, but the scars of a painful past. Some of those scars are
unsightly and have caused us deep regret. But, some wounds, my friend, are
because God has refused to let go. In the midst of your struggle, He's
been there holding on to you.
The Scripture teaches that God loves you. You are a child of God. He
to protect you and provide for you in every way But sometimes we
wade into dangerous situations, not knowing what lies ahead. The
hole of life is filled with peril - and we forget that the enemy is
to attack. That's when the tug-of-war begins - and if you have the scars
of His love on your arms, be very, very grateful. He did not and will
not ever Let you go.
Posted by Tracy at 12:17 PM 11 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Finally I fell in love with some of the tools in my drawing class. We used soft pastels today. I fell in love with how they glided across the paper, and how you could blend them with your fingers. This picture of a baby wild cat is the result of an hour and a half of working with soft pastels. Not perfect work, but it was enough progress for me to know i will be working with pastels again. :)
Looks for a sale on a soft pastel kit......
Posted by Tracy at 2:58 PM 9 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Prayer Request
I was asked today by my eldest sister to put out a prayer request for her husband, my brother in law. He is in the hospital as i write this getting checked out for dizziness, blurred vision, and all in all just not feeling right. They are unsure what is wrong. So if we can, please pray for him, that what ever is wrong will be minor, and nothing serious. I will update everyone as soon as i can.
Thank you! Your prayers are truly appreciated.
Hugs and blessings sent your way.
Posted by Tracy at 5:16 PM 6 comments
Above painting done by my niece who is 11 years old.
Above painting done by my nephew who is 8 years old
My in-laws left Tuesday afternoon, and all is slowly getting back to normal. They said they had a wonderful visit. We took them to see the local sites, and even took them on a small hour and a half boat cruise. Both my niece and nephew wanted to learn to paint, so i spent one evening and morning letting them paint the paintings above. What you see on their canvas's I am proud to say is all them. :) I have a rule I live by when i teach others to paint, if you are the artist only you are allowed to touch the canvas. I showed them how to paint on paper and they practiced then put it up on canvas. :) I think they did an awesome job. I was rather impressed myself at how well they did!
We all had a wonderful time while my in laws were here. It was great seeing them.
After my in-laws left i have been busy doing typical clean up stuff after one has visitors. Yesterday i spent the day at the printers. I now have summer nights in print! Yayyyy. While my son and i were in the city we did some school supply shopping as well as a few other errands. It was a busy day, but a good one all in all.
Truth be told I am totally exhausted. Between setting up this new website, running back and forth to the printers, entertaining company, and getting my sons ready to go back to school, I have worn myself out.
Yesterday I had my own small little break down. You know the feeling where you cry and cant stop crying, and you are not even sure why you are crying? That was me, last night.
Today i woke to find that I hurt all over, I am emotionally tired as well as physically tired. I feel like my energy is all used up.
I wish i could say i could rest now, but I still have two weeks to go where I need to get things done. I have prints to make, problems from my website to fix, drawing class to go to, Cleansing streams to host in my home on Mondays, two high school orientations to go to, and I need to continue to get my sons ready to go back to school. One goes back on Monday, the other the following week.
I need to keep the pace going for two more weeks. Then i think i am going to declare personal Tracy time. All i want to do is lock myself in my studio and do nothing but create art and sit quietly with God. Or better yet I would love to lock myself in the master bedroom, indulge in doing nothing but curling up and reading a book and sleep for several days.....
I am not sure how moms take on full time jobs while raising a family. (which in my opinion taking care of a home and family is a full time all in itself.) To all you working moms out there...... "I take my hat off to you, and look at you in complete awe"~! I admire every single one of you! It is amazing that it is done by mothers all over the world every single day.
Posted by Tracy at 6:47 AM 3 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Whats been happening in my little world.
It has been a busy week. One filled with running to printers, checking proofs, reordering more proofs to be done, because colors are still wrong, ordering tubes for prints to be mailed in, working on websites, spring cleaning, taking classes, shopping for school clothes for my sons, and getting ready for in-laws to come for a visit. All in all i feel like my head is spinning, and my world has become a blur. You know that song "they are coming to take me away hee hee, ha ha! To the funny farm??" That is how i feel about now. Laughing my father used to sing this to us when he was feeling the same when his world was spinning.
I am looking forward to having a few days off to relax next week. That probably wont happen until weds.
I am sorry i haven't been great in visiting my blogger friends. I have tried to keep up with a few here and there, but if i haven't gotten around to your blog yet, know i will soon! All my blogger friends are important to me, and i want you to know you all are in my thoughts through out all this spinning!
The good news is another print was ordered! The first print of Ray of hope will be shortly sent off. Yayyyy. I am so excited.
If you haven't checked out my new site yet please do. Even if you have, i have made changes, so you might want to take a look again. Click on the site below to see it.
Spiritual Brushstrokes
The changes to my site I think are an improvement and I feel my work is easier to see, and the general layout of the blog is easier to move around and look at everything. I have written up the meaning or my thoughts behind each painting, and I have also added paypal and how to order a print from me. I think the whole site is better then where it was.
You all will have to let me know if you agree! Feed back is always welcome.
My in-laws leave Tuesday, so I probably will not be able to blog until then.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Sending blessings to you from me!
Posted by Tracy at 10:20 PM 9 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Introducing : Spiritual Brushstrokes Art by Tracy Jo
Come visit me over at : Spiritual Brushstrokes Paintings by: Tracy Jo
Please let me know what you think! Comments are welcome!
Does a Happy Dance......
Posted by Tracy at 2:18 PM 14 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I sold my first print!!!!! I do not even have the site up and running yet! The person who wanted to buy the print said they couldn't wait for my site to open! They are excited about owning Heavens Gateway. They asekd me if they could buy the print now since it is already made? GRINS. They became even more excited when I said yes, and knowing that they have the first print ever made of my painting!
The site will be up and running soon! I am making a print of Summer nights to make sure this process works, before I officially open my site to the public, and that should be ready soon! I also am trying to figure out handling costs as well as working on ordering tubes to ship the prints in.
The first print of Heavens Gateway will be shown in a doctors office! woot woot! I am soooo excited. Thank you to the person who bought my print!
I am soooo excited that I already sold a print. Yayyyyyyyyyy
Hugs and blessings to my friends in the blogger world.
Posted by Tracy at 4:03 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
We are like teabags,
Whose true strength comes out when we're put in hot water.
So, when problems upset you...
Just think,
You must be God's favorite cup of tea!
(saying found online under inspirational quotes)
I am up early and thinking about my friends and family who are struggling with the problems of life, as well as thinking of my own personal problems.
At times we all feel like we are alone in our troubles, and feel weary from having to deal with all the frustrations that life brings our way. I certainly have felt this way myself, in fact I have felt this way very recently.
Years ago I used to sit with a friend and we would have a cup of hot tea together sharing not only our troubles in life, but our joys. I always felt better after we finished our tea. I find myself lately missing that time I had with my girl friend.
It occurred to me that I did have someone to share tea with. I forget that God would love for us to sit with him and have tea. If only we would quiet our thoughts and our souls, and sit with God and have that tea with him, we would realize we are anything but alone.
God wants to be our friend, and our confidant. I think instead of wishing for the times I had a close friend to share tea with, I will pull out my chair, pour myself a cup of hot tea, and invite God to sit and share a cup with me.
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.
Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Posted by Tracy at 4:10 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Which pin up girl are you
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Which 1950's PIN-UP Girl are you?? created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Jayne Mansfield

Posted by Tracy at 9:05 AM 6 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
I was told tonight that my Aunt Billie was found on the ground in her home after being there for two days. She is now in the hospital and in serious condition. My twin Stacy called me tonight and also posted about it on her blog. My father has asked for a prayer chain to be put in place. This is his only living sister, and he is pretty shook up about it. She is 84 years old, just 7 years older then my father. Please pray for not only my Aunt but also my father during this time of need. My twin and i greatly appreciate it.
I would also like to thank Mike for already getting a prayer chain going. Ty Mike for being such a warm hearted man.
Hugs and blessings.
Posted by Tracy at 10:07 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
An Update on whats happening in Tracy land.
Things have been pretty slow trying to get my online print business up and running. I am however learning why prints are so very expensive! I have been trying to get just one good print done of my painting Heavens gateway. I did get a good print of the painting, but the colors were not "my" colors I had painted. I am not sure if i should be insulted or laugh because when i got the prints home my husband and one of my good friends took a look at the print and said they love it! The colors are more vivid then the real life painting. They said they personally like the brighter colors in the print over the original painting. laughing! I had to think hard about whether to sell the prints or keep trying for the original colors. I do not think i can live with myself if I sold a print that wasn't as true to the original as possible. I guess it is a pride thing. A pride in my own work, and well honestly the print just wasn't my work... make sense? I do realize that I probably will not get an exact match, but i want the prints to be pretty darned close to the originals.
So back to the printer I went. They then informed me of a process where they take the painting themselves scan it, and make a proof from that. Since most of my paintings are larger then their scanner it would be done in sections in what they call splicing.. They then do the proof from the spliced together scan they made. They assure me that I will be so happy with the end result! They say the prints will be 99.9% exact to the original piece of art. The catch is that it is an expensive process! I decided the process and cost would be worth it. So on Monday i go and look at the proofs from this process. We shall see if they are true to their word and looks closer to my original painting.
I know that this is all taking time, but in the end I believe that being patient and waiting for the prints to be to my liking will be more then worth the time cost and energy i am putting into this business.
In the meantime I am going to keep busy painting, and working on my website ideas.
In other areas of my life, hubby and I are taking another class. We are actually hosting the class in our home. :) This is a class I already took called Cleansing Streams. It had such an impact in my life, I was praying my husband would take the class also. My prayer was answered!
Having the class hosted in our house is a huge growth step for me. I tend to not like to be around large groups of people, and I tend to stress if people come to my house and it is not perfect. This class is 10 weeks long. So every Monday I will have large groups of people coming to my home! I need to work on not becoming stressed about my house being 100 percent perfect every week. With my fibro, I am sure I will have weeks when i just can not keep up with all the demands of keeping a perfect home.
Add the fact that not only will people be in my home but half of the people coming are men, I am hoping I keep my nerves under control. I know most of you do not realize this, but I shake when i am around men I do not know. Sometimes I even shake around men i do know! I have major panic attacks, and most times end up having to leave the situation and go home. Since I wont be able to do this, because the place that is my safety zone is where everyone will be, I need to come up with a plan to deal with these panic attacks. I am not sure how I am going to do this, but I am sure that this is all a God thing. Another way God is trying to heal me, so I guess I just need to trust God and give my panic and fear over to God.
Last but not least, I have now taken 6 classes in this so called drawing class i signed up for. I call it such because there has been a total of one day that WE actually did any drawing in the class! The very first day we learned how to draw a flower. All of the other classes we have used markers! No joking! Not only that but no real instruction has been given. We have been told just to use the markers to make abstract work and color it in! I feel like i am five years old playing! I am so frustrated, i feel like the whole class was a waste of my time energy and money! If not for the fact my two girlfriends I am taking the class with are having a ball i would stop going! I go because they love using markers and making pretty pictures , and are having a blast. I have no interest in doing that at all! I signed up for a drawing class, i expected to learn drawing techniques, and at least draw with pencils or charcoal!
I guess I am going to have do what I have always done when i want to learn how do so something, and teach myself! I did that with baking, and cooking. I did that with my painting, and with learning how to knit, I guess I will have to do this with drawing. Shakes my head! :) Markers!!!! hmmmmmmm, shaking my head again and rolling my eyes while laughing..... guess i should just laugh and chalk it all up as a learning experience.
That is what is happening in my world, what is happening in yours?
Hugs and blessings sent to all my friends out in blogger land!
Posted by Tracy at 8:41 AM 7 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I found both of these on the net, they do a great job in describing what it is like to live with fibromyalgia.
I am posting these, not because I am depressed, just the opposite. I want people to be aware of what fibromyalgia is, and what it is like to deal with this illness.
I am not depressed thankfully, I am actually doing pretty well in that department, thanks to friends and family who care.
I have a lot of things good in my life. I appreciate the fact that I am so blessed.
Regarding my health though I have to live day by day with different levels of pain.
Today has been an awful pain day.
Here are the symptoms of what I am dealing with in the here and now regarding fibromyalgia.
Light hurts my eyes
Sound makes me nervous
I am having a hard time concentrating
Headaches are a constant
I have a sore throat and my voice fades in and out
I am having a hard time walking because the pain in my feet is so bad
The ache in my entire body is a constant
I am tired, I want to sleep but can not unless i take sleeping pills to dull the pain.
Each day is different truth be told. Sometimes the pain is worse, sometimes it is better. I never know until the day arrives.
The last few days I have dealt with my pain well.
Yesterday I went to the printers when all i wanted to do was crawl back in bed. Today I cleaned my house and unpacked boxes for our new bathroom. Tomorrow I go back to the printers.
When you have fibromyalgia, you either let it control your life and your days, or you fight through it, and find a way to work through the pain, and LIVE.
I blog about the bad times with fibro because it is my life, and it also helps me keep a journal that I can look back on and see whether the fibromyalgia is getting better or worse.
I just wish there was a cure. One that worked for me. One where i can say someday this pain will be gone.
Posted by Tracy at 9:33 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A Challenge from my twin has been issued to those who are in blogger land. She challenges everyone to share some funny or cute stories on their blog to make others smile or laugh. I think it is a wonderful idea. I do not know if i have a funny story as much as a cute one to share with everyone. It is of course about my Lily girl.
Buying Lily girl was probably one of the smartest decisions I have made for not only myself but for my entire family. If you have an illness of any kind, whether it be physical or mental, buying yourself a pet is a must in my opinion. Animals have a way of brightening ones day. In my case when i am at my lowest point or having a really bad pain day, Lily has a way of making me laugh or smile. She brings me such joy!
Lily who sleeps beside hubbies and my bed, in her own little soft puppy bed wakes my husband and I up each morning in a very quiet manner. ( That is if i hear first try, if i do not hear her she gets louder. lol) She stands on her back paws and with her front ones starts pawing at my bed. You here the scratching of the covers, and that is her sign she wants up so she can cuddle a few minutes with me and hubby in the bed. I precede to pick her up and put her up on the bed where she then gives my face a thorough bath. She then moves on to my hubby and makes sure his face gets lots of love to. lol She feels satisfied then, and precedes to crawl over the two of us (she has no problem walking all over us. lol) to find the perfect spot to curl up and sleep in. This lasts usually a whole 15 minutes of sleep time, before hubby and i decide to get up , since we both are now fully awake and can not go back to sleep. Hubby and i go down stairs to have our coffee leaving lily sound asleep on our bed.
As hubby and I are taking that wonderful first sip of coffee we hear lily jump off the bed ( she discovered we have left, and is soooo shocked that we left her all alone in the bed!) she runs full speed down the stairs, and as she is running she slips and slides around the corner trying to get traction, her little legs going a hundred miles a minute still slipping and sliding trying to make all the twists and turns along her path where as I then know I have exactly one second to put down my cup before she leaps and jumps up onto my lap and rushes for my face! I then get my second face wash of the morning. Her little body is still moving she is so happy. Her tail is wagging away,and she has a happy look on her face while giving me that bath. I can not help but feel so very loved and happy myself. :) She then feels her job is done, and curls up besides me going back to sleep while feeling content knowing all is right in her little Maltese world.
So there ya go sis, I hope this brought a smile and maybe even a little laughter to your day!
Please head over to my twins Blog and join in on the challenge also. I personally think my sister was brilliant in issuing this challenge. We all can use some laughter to start our day! Hugs and blessings sent your way!
I am off to continue my work in getting the perfect print! Laughs, getting the perfect color print is hard work!
May you all have a blessed day.
Posted by Tracy at 7:49 AM 6 comments